North Delta Sedimentation Study

Author Information
Kavida Subbaroyan
American River College,
Geog350: Data Acquisition in GIS;
Spring 2006

The study investigates the Flow Measurement and Bed sample in the Delta using Acoustic doppler channel profiler,GPS and computer modeling technigues. The Objective of the study is to develop an appropriate tool for modeling sedimentation transport and channel morphology within the study area. The results of the study will be used to know about the flow into and out of a junction.

The distribution and transportion of sediments in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta impacts many activities in the region including navigation, recreation, fisheries development and flood control.The physical processes that initiate and control sediment transport in the Delta are sensitive to the hydrology and hydraulics of the system, and small changes in these variables have been found to initiate substantial responses sometimes with unforeseen results. Sendimentation analyses are, therefore an essential part of any proposal that may effect local waterways.

The study area for which assessment was conducted is shown in Figure(a). Calculations were performed for selected representative cross sections of the streams comprising the study area including the Mokelumne River,Dead Horse Cut, Snodgrass Slough and Last Slough. The cross Sections at which sediment transport was calculated were selected on straight river reaches in the vicinty of the main stream junctions. A few additional cross sections were selected on the streams upstream and downstream of the study area to estimate sediment transport variablility along the stream.

Discharge measurements were taken at ten locations within the North Delta study area. Flowrates in each channel reach were measured using an acoustic doppler channel profiler (ADCP) attached to the bow of a small boat. Most measurements of flow into a junction were taken within a few minutes of each other. so that tidal effects were minimized. The locations of the flow sampling sites are also presented in Figure(b). The results of the discharge measurements at the four junctions are presented in Table 1a through 1d. The column diffQ in the tables represents the net sum of flow into and out of a junction. A positive value in this column implies water stroge at a junction and increasing water levels, whereas a negative value implies decreasing water storage and surface levels.

Table 1a. Measured discharges near the Delta Cross Channel Junction
Date Sampling Time Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 5 diff Q (cfs)
02/27/06 11:13 - 11:36 9495 m -3884 -
02/28/06 11:06 - 11:24 8388 -1404 -7330 -346
02/28/06 13:02 - 13:28 10743 -8846 -3063 -1166
02/28/06 15:17 - 15:55 13516 -11517 -2164 -165

Table 1b. Measured discharges at Snodgrass Slough Junction
Date Sampling Time Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 7 diff Q (cfs)
02/27/06 12:09 - 12:48 1205 2194 -2985 414
02/28/06 11:06 - 11:57 7330 -2627 -4568 135
02/28/06 12:24 - 13:07 3063 -833 -3272 -1042
02/28/06 15:12 - 15:37 2164 2081 -4312 -66

Table 1c. Measured discharges near the Dead Hourse Island
Date Sampling Time Reach 7 Reach 8 Reach 9 diff Q (cfs)
02/27/06 10:08 - 10:40 3311 -2261 -1171 -121
02/28/06 10:29 - 10:48 4568 -2929 -1579 60
02/28/06 12:04 - 12:29 3272 -2515 -1212 -455
02/28/06 14:52 - 15:15 4312 -3401 -962 -51

Table 1d. Measured discharges at near New Hope Landing
Date Sampling Time Reach 9 Reach 10 Reach 11 Reach 12 diff Q (cfs)
02/27/06 9:31 - 10:12 1171 -2078 -510 214 -203
02/28/06 10:01 - 10:31 1579 -985 -1042 301 -146
02/28/06 11:38 - 12:07 1212 -641 -679 -35 -143
02/28/06 14:29 - 14:54 962 935 -1266 -553 78

Figures and maps
Figure (a). The Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta and extent of the project area.
this is Study area map

Figure (b). Location of bed material and flow discharge sampling sites in project area.
this is Flowmeasurment map

ADCP is used across the water flow to measure the velocity and depth. We get velocity(V) from the machine and the depth of the channel is the distance driven by the boat (d).
Hence cfs ( Cubic flow per Second ) can be calculated by multiplying velocity and the depth.
cfs= v*d
The sum of flow rate is calculated to know how well the measurement is.
The value we obtained was between -1166 to 414 which is almost equal to zero.

We know according to math difference between flowin and flowout should be zero, but in the table of data we got is not equal to zero. This result in not accurate because of two reasons. the first is the error in the measurement we took and the second is the flow is always changing over time,not able to calculate the flow in that speed.

Ackers,P. (1993). Sediment transport in Open Chennels: Ackers and White Update. Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs Wat., Marit. & Energy, 101, pp 247-249
Atwater,B.F., 1982. " Gelogic maps of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, California", U.S. Geological Survey.
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Rojstaczer.S.A., Hamon, R.E., Deverel,S.J., Massey,C.A., 1991, "Evaluation of selected data to assess the causes of subsidence in the sacramento -San Joaquin Delta, California"U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report.
USGS,2000. 'Water database, available via the Internet at http://water.usgs.gov